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Главная » 2013 » Июнь » 23 » Activated alumina

Activated alumina

Краткое ознакомление с компанией

Zibo Yinghe Chemical Sales Co., Ltd. was established in 2010, located in Shandong, China. We have our own factories on the mainland. Our main products are activated alumina ball, alumina grinding ball, industrial alumina powder, calcined alumina powder as well as other raw material chemicals. Our products have been widely used in petroleum, chemicals, environmental protection, pharmacy, ceramic, refractory and other industries. Moreover, our products have been exported to all over the world. Our product quality is stable and reliable and we have advanced level in this industry and gain user's high praise. We are devoted to technical innovation and scientific development. The most important thing is that we have established long-term cooperative relations with powerful technical support. Yinghe not only promote our product, also emphasize on providing professional technique and good service. Customer's satisfaction and prompt delivery are two points that never change. Good reputation is our strong backbone. Because of this, we maintain our reputation with excellent quality and prompt delivery service. We sincerely hope that we could establish a long-term cooperation with mutual benefits; the common benefits between us can reach the biggest intersection. Ying He has a skilled responsible and committed team who will ensure your requirements will be met promptly and fully. Please contact us freely for your requirements.

Authenticated and Verified

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Основная информация

Authenticated and Verified Название компании: Zibo Yinghe Chemical Sales Co., Ltd. Тип деятельности: Торговая компания Продукция и сервис
(Мы Продаем): activated alumina,molecular sieve,silica gel,alumina powder,low temperature alumina powder Authenticated and Verified Зарегистрированный адрес компании: (Rm. 5005, Xinqiao Company), No. 129, Zhongrun Avenue, High-Tech Zone, Zibo, Shandong, China (Mainland) Марки: YH brand Число рабочих и служащих: 51 - 100 людей Сетевой адрес Компании: http://www.zbyinghe.com
Лавка "Аliexpress.com":

Собственность и капитал

Authenticated and Verified Год создания: 2010 Authenticated and Verified Представитель юридического лица/Владелец: Ms. Xiaoyan Xu

Торговля и рынок

Основные рынки: Северная Америка
Южная Америка
Восточная Европа
Юго-Восточная Азия
Средний Восток
Восточной Азии
Западная Европа
Центральная Америка
Северная Европа
Южная Европа
Годовой объем реализации: 1 млн. долл. США - 2.5 млн. долл. США Процент Экспорта: 41% - 50%

Информация о заводе

Число научных сотрудников: 5 - 10 человек Число работников Отдела контроля качества: 5 - 10 человек Сертификация управления: ISO 9001:2000

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«  Июнь 2013  »
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